The terms and conditions and contract of agreement for any job done by Stictly are as follows. We advise you to carefully read and comprehend these. You consent to the following when you use a service from Stictly:


On our website, we accept the following payment options:

  • Card payment
  • Debit

You authorize our use of and access to the payment instrument you have selected to use when you give us your payment information. You give us permission to charge the outstanding amount to this payment instrument by giving us your payment information.

We have the right to cancel or reverse your transaction if we believe that your payment has broken any laws or these Terms and Conditions.

A 50% non-refundable payment is required for all design work to reserve your spot in the schedule. This must be given before the design work is undertaken. After the designs are finished, the balance is paid. There is no refund for payments. The initial deposit is not refundable if the client decides not to move forward with the design after paying the initial deposit. Stictly retains the right to immediately discontinue any services in the event of any unacceptable behavior or abuse. At the time of check-in, payment options will be described in detail.


At the start of the design process, the deadlines for designs will be made very clear. Design briefs take around a week, whereas logos often require less time. My working hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. The client is responsible for resolving design issues in a timely manner to ensure timeframes are met.

documents and inquiries in a timely manner. Any responses that are delayed will affect when the finished product will be delivered.

Design Process

As soon as the client’s reserved time slot is scheduled, the design process starts. To fully understand your requirements, please fill out the contact form in my profile. I will design your branding on the day of your scheduled appointment. You will receive these along with a watermark so you can verify the design.

Once the design’s direction has been decided, I offer two revisions: one for significant modifications, such as new colors or fonts, and one for smaller ones. There will be a fee for each additional amendment

Delivery & Completion

Once everything is finished and the remaining price has been made, designs will be given. The designs will be made available as PNG, JPG, and PDF formats. The vector format of logo PDF files guarantees that the client can resize the design without pixelation for use on many platforms.

Requests for additional files might result in additional fees. When the files are delivered, they will be placed on a drive link that will remain live for 30 days. The client can receive the files by email as well. The files may only be utilized for the intended function. The client holds full proprietary ownership, copyright, and royalty rights to any goods or services created by Stictly. For the purpose of displaying on Instagram and building a personal brand portfolio, Stictly retains and reserves the right to exploit any and all products and/or services developed by Stictly.

Need help?

Contact us at [email protected] for questions related to refunds and returns.